Students practice Sheng Zhen outdoors in Santa Barbara, CA

Welcome to Sheng Zhen of the Americas

Strengthen your body,

Open your heart,

Elevate your spirit,

with Sheng Zhen.

The basis of Sheng Zhen practice is recognizing and experiencing our deep connection with nature and all of humanity. Through the practices, you naturally quiet and open your heart, calm the mind, and experience inner stillness, even in the midst of moving. This becomes a habit, and later, a natural state that is carried into daily life.

Sheng Zhen is a system of moving and non-moving meditation practices. They are simple, relaxing, graceful, and fun to do in groups or on your own.

The Sheng Zhen Society of the Americas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, dedicated to providing practices that promote harmony, health, and inner peace.

Learn more about Sheng Zhen: how to learn, where to practice, and more, with the links below.

What is Sheng Zhen?

Sheng Zhen is a system of moving and non-moving meditations. You can practice these meditations standing, seated, or even lying down.

How to Learn

There are many ways to learn Sheng Zhen, both in-person and online. We offer group classes, weekend or multi-week workshops, recorded videos, private instruction, and more.

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on our events page for special weekend workshops, teacher training, and multi-week programs with Master Li and Teacher Jing .

Find a Teacher

Find a Sheng Zhen teacher near you for live, in-person classes. Many teachers offer both group and private sessions.

You can also find live, online practice sessions and classes several days a week, and at various times to suit your schedule.

No teachers in your area? Consider becoming a teacher! (See below)

Become a Teacher

Sheng Zhen Teacher Training at Eastover Estate and Eco-Village, Lenox, MA

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