What is Sheng Zhen Meditation?

Sheng Zhen Meditation is a system of meditations in motion or in stillness. It consists of a variety of practices that help the body and mind relax, while also cultivating and circulating qi, vital life force energy, into the body. In the process, the practice opens the heart and helps the practitioner connect with the pure energy of love, bringing about a feeling of well-being, harmony with one’s surroundings, and a feeling of divine contentment. Through the regular practice of Sheng Zhen, one is able to truly enjoy life and experience a sense of ease even in the midst of challenges.

The postures and movements of the various forms of Sheng Zhen Meditation have messages and mental images which are contemplated as they are being practiced. When practiced diligently and with sincerity, one begins to find answers to the deepest questions in life. These answers are found within when the heart is open and the mind is clear.

In addition to the benefits of traditional moving meditation such as healing, strengthening, and balancing the mind and body, Sheng Zhen Meditation transforms consciousness. Your sense of awareness is heightened and your instincts are sharpened. In time, it brings one to the experience of one's original nature, which is love.

Sheng Zhen is a gift from Heaven, from the universe, to help mankind in the transition to a new era—an era with less separation, more connection, less hatred, and more love. Such transition is often accompanied by an increase in turmoil at first: wars and civil strife, the breakdown of economic and political systems, outbreaks of new and virulent life-threatening diseases, more disturbances in the human psyche, and all kinds of natural and man-made calamities. Sheng Zhen helps to ease and accelerate this transition by allowing for difficulties and challenges to be related to from a place of love. 

A strong body and a clear mind will not suffice to surmount such chaos. To work with equanimity towards today’s challenges requires a sense of wholeness and strength of body and heart, mind, and spirit. Thus, Heaven has blessed us with Sheng Zhen Meditation.

How can one learn the different forms of Sheng Zhen Meditation?

A variety of forms — standing, sitting, lying down — are offered to the practitioner. The number of movements will vary from one, such as Gathering Qi, to thirty in a more advanced form. Each class can last from 30 to 90 minutes, usually once or twice a week, led by certified Sheng Zhen Meditation teachers. Classes are taught online and in person.

Is it necessary to learn all the forms? 

It is not necessary to practice all the different forms. You may find yourself drawn to one or two moving forms, and if you also learn Union of Three Hearts Meditation, that is more than sufficient. The form called Awakening the Soul is beneficial to both beginners and advanced students. A person who is unable to do the movements because of some disability can still obtain great benefits from doing just the sitting and the lying down meditations. Although the form known as “Sheng Zhen Healing” may be performed by anyone, it is particularly beneficial to those who are unwell. In fact, there are benefits gained by simply viewing any one of the videos. What is important is to practice with regularity.

Are there any teaching aids available, and can one learn just by using these? 

Actual instruction from a teacher is best. Traveling to a workshop is an option if there are no teachers in your area. There are also teachers who teach private and group classes online. Also, Sheng Zhen books and videos are available from our international online store.

Who conducts Sheng Zhen Meditation classes? 

Master Li Junfeng is the driving force and the principal teacher of Sheng Zhen Meditation. He trains teachers worldwide, including Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States, Canada, and Asia. Those who qualify are granted teacher certification. Find teachers here.

Principal Teacher Li Jing, Master Li’s daughter, also trains Sheng Zhen teachers and offers workshops around the world.

Who is the Sheng Zhen Society of the Americas? 

The Sheng Zhen Society of the Americas is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to bring Sheng Zhen practices to all people across the Americas. It was established in 2012 with the goal of helping individuals across the Americas achieve their highest potential; spiritual awakening, physical and mental well-being, and a deeper connection with others and nature. It supports Sheng Zhen teachers who offer classes, seminars, workshops, retreats, online courses, and other events to deepen the understanding and experience of the practices. Learn more about SZSA here.

Who is the International Sheng Zhen Society Foundation? 

The International Sheng Zhen Society Foundation was formed in Manila, Philippines in 1996 and has many branches on all seven continents. Its mission is to spread the practice of Sheng Zhen, the practice of Unconditional Love, throughout the world.

Our vision is a peaceful, loving world. Guided by the spirit of Unconditional Love, we share the Sheng Zhen movements and meditation practices to relax the body, quiet the mind and open the hearts of all humanity.

Its ultimate goal is the experience of pure, unselfish love in every human being, moving us all toward a perfect world.