Woman standing outdoors, hands in prayer position.

Jill Penaloza

Annapolis, Maryland


Phone: 410 279-3106

Website: https://www.shengzhenmaryland.org/

Classes (Eastern Time):

All are welcome to join my Sheng Zhen Zoom classes on:  

Monday evenings: 6:45-8pm EDT - Moving meditation with relaxation.

Wednesday afternoons: 4-5pm EDT - Non-moving meditation.

To be added to the invite list for one or both classes please email me. These classes are drop-in and no previous experience is necessary. Class invites go out on the day of the class.

Both classes are currently being offered free of charge

Private Sheng Zhen classes are available.

Hello! I’ve been practicing Sheng Zhen Moving and Non-Moving Meditation since 2001. From the start, I was intrigued and awed by the power and love that I felt while practicing this meditation. In 2013, with encouragement from my teacher, Pamela Tanton, I was deeply grateful to become a certified Sheng Zheng teacher.

As a trauma therapist and teacher, Sheng Zhen Meditation practices have been integral to my work with clients and students. It’s heartwarming to witness the joy that can come from doing these simple, gentle movements. I’m especially excited by the potential for self-healing which is activated when we learn how to bring ourselves into states of harmony and balance.

Today, I remain in awe of the power of Sheng Zhen Meditation practices. I look forward to continuing my practice and releasing more and more into a state of loving presence...and to sharing this beautiful practice with others!