A 1970 graduate of Stanford University, with a bachelor’s degree in English literature, Liz enjoys writing and editing for Sheng Zhen. She taught Yoga and belly dancing for many years, unknowingly preparing for the practice of Sheng Zhen.

As soon as I met Master Li and was introduced to Sheng Zhen, I knew that I was in the presence of someone and 

something extraordinary. He immediately encouraged those present to move with him, to move as he was moving. Although the movements looked relatively basic, they were also challenging. His physical movements were as fluid as any I had ever seen.

After we warmed up and relaxed a little, he began to talk, simply yet profoundly. He spoke of love, happiness and health. He spoke of heaven, Earth and the universe, of body, mind, emotions and spirit. His words rang true. 

I haven’t stopped moving with Master Li since. His wisdom, intelligence and humor shine like bright light.

Master Li wants to bring this powerful healing practice to humanity, and I want to do all I can to help him.

Serving on the SZSA Board allows me to do this.