Nine Turns and Quieting the Heart
a Non-moving Form of Sheng Zhen
Bring your heart and mind to a point of stillness
Do everything with sincerity. Quiet your heart, cultivate yourself. Become a holy person.
Nine Turns is a powerful non-moving form of meditation that is typically practiced lying down. (It can be practiced seated if one prefers.) Nine Turns quiets the heart, and helps circulate the qi throughout the body to strengthen mind and body. Because this form requires no physical effort, Nine Turns can be practiced by those who are physically impaired.
This form is also known as Jiu Zuan Zhen Dan, Inspired by Lao Tzu.
The purpose of the practice of Nine Turns and Quieting the Heart is to utilize the qi in the body to arrive at enlightened consciousness. In this cleansing process, one’s being is uplifted and a deeper understanding of life follows. As you are relaxed and quiet, as the qi becomes concentrated, qi can then circulate gently and lightly to benefit the body.
This practice achieves a purified and focused mind that can become one with the collected qi.
If you practice Nine Turns while understanding its deeper meaning, nothing can afflict you. With accumulated qi, you will experience good health, a good disposition, and a sense of perfect well-being in your life.
The human body is a flame.
Let the qi calm and stop the flames of desire.
Moving the qi is also moving the mind.
Let the mind balance and harmonize the qi in the body.
The fresh, clean qi can flush out the dirty qi.
Consciously release the dirty qi.
Then the body is left with only clean and clear qi.
As the clean qi fills the body, it takes on the shape of the human form. Pure qi then permeates every pore of the body.