Strength in Balance: Healing from the Liver
an Advanced Form of Sheng Zhen
A healthy liver is always absorbing and moving qi. Whatever it receives it transmutes to something beneficial for the rest of the organs.
This practice helps the liver repair itself from overuse. It balances the surrounding meridians, opening the heart, and bringing balance. When the liver is healthy, the experience of a happy and balanced life becomes effortless.
Generally considered the most physically challenging of all the forms, Strength in Balance: Healing from the Liver is comprised of eighteen movements; the first nine are done sitting in a chair and the last nine are done lying down.
Strength in Balance works to nourish and balance the liver, one of the hardest working organs. When the liver is functioning well, it leads to a happy, balanced life. By helping the liver, this practice benefits the whole person.
Those who want to learn Strength in Balance need to do so in a workshop, personally taught by Master Li or Li Jing.
All students should have a strong foundation in the basics of Sheng Zhen and have practiced for 2 or 3 years.