The Heart of Spring
a Standing, Moving Form of Sheng Zhen
Go back to Spring; return to youth
Go back to a young heart
Be one with the beauty of Heaven
Dissolve into Earth qi, dissolve into nature
Inspired by Lao Tzu
The Heart of Spring, a standing form with fourteen movements and associated contemplations, reflects the harmony found in nature. Through the practice, the practitioner can return to a natural state of ease, harmony, and balance.
This practice moves with qi. Breathing should be natural. Go into a space of emptiness. Enter int nothing. In your heart and in your mind everything is perfect. No good. No bad. No happy. No worry. Go back to your natural state. Then you can begin this practice.
The 14 movements of Return to Spring:
The Spring Sun has Returned
Restoring the Sun to its Origin
Rediscovering the Moon
Returning the Moon
The Source of Thought
Sunrise Brings Back the Light
Flying and Gazing the Nine Levels of Heaven
Cultivating Your Dan and Higher Self
Early Moonlight
The True Moonlight
The Reblooming of Spring FLower
Billowing Silk Like an Endless Road
The Universe Trembles
Qi Returns to Spring
Excerpt from a contemplation for The Heart of Spring
As you open your body to the universe, as you open your heart to the qi and to love, feel yourself expanding, giving love, receiving love.
The universe offers you unconditional love. You are in the universe and the universe is in you.
As the qi pours into your body, love enters your entire being. Consciously welcome love with your whole heart and mind.